I’m Puzzled

I was lucky enough to babysit mp (Mini-Pookie) while her parents took a quick trip to Monterey a couple of weekends ago. Me and mp had so much fun…we did ring-around-the-rosey about 400 times, danced (A LOT), decorated cupcakes, and did educational exercises (ie. puzzles). From the looks of Pookie’s text message the other night,Continue reading “I’m Puzzled”

Smoking Bandit

It is with great relief that am I able to do a blog post tonight. I was nearly chopped into tiny, little pieces a mere 20 steps from my apartment this morning. (That might be a slight exaggeration). As I turned the corner from Washington onto Polk and walked about 5 steps I suddenly feltContinue reading “Smoking Bandit”

Random Acts of Culture

This was just sent to me by #1. LOVE it! What a great way to start off the holiday season! “The Opera Company of Philadelphia was instrumental in bringing it together to perform one of the Knight Foundation’s “1000 Random Acts of Culture” which they’ll be doing over the next three years across the country.Continue reading “Random Acts of Culture”

Yo, yo, yo…Folkies!

I’m going to share something with you, my fans. I, polkstreetandmore, am not a black woman. Which makes it puzzling as to why I found an Essence magazine in my mailbox today. I thought it was meant for the lady of color in the apartment above me, but no…it was addressed to me. For thoseContinue reading “Yo, yo, yo…Folkies!”

Stop, drop, and fried rolls

No, I am not on fire, but after having a few meals in Memphis last week that was the only way I was going to get anywhere…by rolling myself out of the restaurant. I was in Memphis for less than 48 hours (quick work trip), but I did manage to get a taste of things…Continue reading “Stop, drop, and fried rolls”